Federation of State Humanities Councils - Homepage screenshot

The Federation of State Humanities Councils is a national organization that supports state councils to “strengthen the civic, cultural, and social fabric of our nation through the humanities.”

Website Planning

The site build was complex, not only featuring a completely new structure and design for the front-end, but also a new members area behind a login wall. We documented this using our standard information architecture processes, creating a robust sitemap, wireframe, and taxonomy, in addition to persona profiles and a back-end user flow chart.

FSHC information architecture documentation




Lead Designer
Front-end Developer


Federation of State Humanities Councils

Website Design

The front-end design was purposeful and inviting with a clean interface and an emphasis on the client’s unique brand color, Burgundy. Many small touches added elegance and engaged the user – custom layouts and icons, subtle animations and fade effects, and smooth hover transitions.

FSHC Homepage screenshot
FSHC Post landing page screenshot
FSHC Directory page screenshot

The back-end login area required a robust registration process to be designed and included a customized Forum, Resources section for members, and the ability for members to interact with each other and edit their own user details.

FSHC Login page screenshot
FSHC Account creation page screenshot
FSHC Resource page screenshot

Logo Design

The Federation’s prior logo and primary color were used inconsistency across their platforms, and they recognized the need for an update. Our logo refresh kept the dynamic star element – keeping the brand equity they had built around it – and then modernized the typeface and color to bring it into the 21st century.

Federation of State Humanities Councils
Showing process of consolidating various logos and colors previous used
Inconsistent logos and colors being used previously
FSHC Logo Guide
Screenshot from Logo Guidelines