Clean Earth Challenge homepage hero

The Clean Earth Challenge is a conservation initiative started by the National Wildlife Federation and Johnson Outdoors. The companies teamed up to inspire individuals to get outdoors and clean up local parks and waterways, with a goal of 1 million pieces of trash collected.

Brand Identity & Logo Design

The first component for this project was to create an identity that fit the conservation theme, felt modern and engaging, and fit comfortably within the brands of both organizations.

Clean Earth Challenge Brand

At the center of the identity was the logo and we explored a number of angles to find the right fit (you can see early explorations below). Ultimately we settled on an abstract and uplifting design that hinted at the mission without getting too specific. It was important that the logo could be versatile enough to be used for a multi-year challenge in many different environments.




Lead Designer
Front-End Developer


Clean Earth Challenge

Clean Earth Challenge concepts
Clean Earth Challenge

Website Design

Once a logo and identity system were established, we turned our attention to the website. The goal of the site is to both inform users about the conservation challenge and to encourage them to sign up and take part. Part brochure, part recruitment tool, the website also serves as a toolkit, housing marketing assets for individuals to download and use in their own local cleanup projects.

Clean Earth Challenge website sections
Clean Earth Challenge website signup and homepage mobile screen
Clean Earth Challenge ticker
Clean Earth Challenge subscribe